The Effects of Incongruent Prosody & Facial Expression in the Workplace.

Thesis, Pfeiffer University

Mr. David L Matthews


In a workplace, how do employees react to a superior who communicates to them with a happy face but an angry voice or an angry face but a happy voice? This is my Thesis paper looking at the correlation between Emotional Intelligence and incongruencies between facial expressions and vocal tonality (prosody).

Click Here for Presentation.

Hand washing for Disease Prevention: Facility Barriers on Campus.

Associate Investigator, Fayetteville State University

Dr. Mary Beth Hogan, Mr. David L Matthews


A campus-wide study of how the arrangement of bathroom facilities impacts re-contamination. The presentation was given at 2010 The Association for Marketing & Healthcare Research Annual Conference in Lake Tahoe, Nevada on February 26, 2010.

Click Here for Presentation.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: How Hypomania, Avoidant Attachment, and Zeus Archetype Drive Successful Entrepreneurship.

Research Project, Fayetteville State University

Mr. David L Matthews


What makes Entrepreneurial Leaders so dynamic and, yet, prone to making boneheaded decisions at times? Look at present-day Elon Musk - once heralded as the modern-day Thomas Edison, but now based for questionable decisions. What changed - nothing. It is the nature of high profile Entrepreneurs. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. They all fit a similar mold. This paper explores why.

Click Here for Presentation.

The Culture of Toyota: How W. Edward Deming’s long-term management, performance appraisal, and continuous improvement philosophies have made Toyota the world’s most successful automotive manufacturer.

Research Project, Fayetteville State University

Mr. David L Matthews


Once the butt of jokes of the "Big Three" automotive manufacturers, Ford, General Motors, and Dodge, in the 1950s, Toyota now dominates automotive sales in North America. This is a brief look at how William Edwards Deming's Total Quality Management philosophy ignited the tiny Japanese manufacturer devastated after World War Two into the automotive behemoth. Deming's fingerprints can be found in every concept of the Toyota Way, Toyota's philosophy, and the process of continual improvement.

Click Here for Presentation.