About David

David has been a researcher on multiple research projects, including investigations on personal health, leadership, personality psychology, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, and leadership.  

This site provides information about David's past education, certifications, and research projects as well as his current pursuits.

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What people are saying about David

Kelly Fichman, MCS

"David is an exceptional writer and presenter, particularly in the realm of business."

Lamar Battle, MCSA

"[David] thinks outside of the box when it comes to providing a solution and always tries to get to the root of the problem."

Belinda Alford, Entrepreneur

"David’s work is innovative and inspiring for those of us who rely on being able to relate to and connect with others as part of our business."

Joycesonia Lawson, M.Ed

"[David] helped me turn my business idea into a business process by connecting with my potential customers and creating a solution to their biggest problem."